

(I) Identification

to recognize a queen
observe her mien

the alert and restless virgin
the staid imperturbable
    laying queen

(II) Bluebells

to catch your queen
you will require one
empty match-box

(III) Smeg

if you freeze
a queen in
the ice house

& revive her
she will only
produce males

(IV) Rex

ever conscious
of her importance

the queen is not keen
on using her sting.

T. W. Cowan, The Honey Bee

(V) Instinct as passion


every queen bee
is inflamed


by the spark of jealousy
burning in her heart


she will fight her rival
even pulling her hair
as women do
when they squabble


Louis Sutherland, The Life of the Queen Bee

L. E. Snelgrove, Queen Rearing 
T. W. Cowan, The Honey Bee
A. L. Gregg, The Philosophy & Practice of Bee-Keeping
Tickner Edwardes, Bee-Keeping for All

